OJMCHE Book Club 2024: December

December 11, 2024
Location: OJMCHE

December 11 | 11am | RSVP Below

OJMCHE’s book club will meet every other month midday at the museum. The book selection for December is Fervor by Toby Lloyd.

To stay in the loop about book club activities, email akurson@ojmche.org and we will keep you updated.

About Book Selection for December

“What would hap­pen if the Witch of Endor — the ancient bib­li­cal seer who was able to sum­mon the depart­ed prophet, Samuel, for King Saul before going into bat­tle against the Philistines — was reborn in mod­ern times as the daugh­ter of a famed British writer? And what if this new witch’s eccen­tric­i­ties, depres­sion, and sub­stance abuse pro­vid­ed great lit­er­ary fod­der for her mother?

‘When a writer is born into a fam­i­ly, the fam­i­ly is fin­ished,’ the Pol­ish Jew­ish poet Czes­law Milosz was quot­ed as say­ing. Toby Lloyd’s debut nov­el, Fer­vor, attempts to test this assertion.

Fer­vor asks seri­ous ques­tions about what it means to be Jew­ish, reli­gious, British, and a mem­ber of a strange and estranged family.” —From a review by Max Gross

OJMCHE Book Club 2024: December

This is a RSVP for OJMCHE Book Club 2024: December on December 11 at 11am.

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