Impact Report 2022

Tribute Donations

We thank everyone who donated in honor, celebration or memory of a loved one, friend or community member.

Gifts received between July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022.

We appreciate every gift and have endeavored to confirm the accuracy of all names. In the event of an error or omission, please contact the museum.



    In honor of Eva and Leslie z”l Aigner
    Sue Ann and Doug Johnson

    In honor of our new grandchild Sequoia Ariff
    June and Michael Ariff

    In honor of Elaine and Mel Ball
    Elaine Coughlin and Jonathon Lietz

    In honor of Becca Biggs
    Jenn Director Knudsen

    In honor of Paul Bissinger
    Helen Goodwin

    In honor of Sy and Carol Chestler
    Maranda and Stuart Chestler

    In honor of Amanda Coven
    Dan Kelley

    In honor of Colleen Dixon’s birthday
    Sandra Lawrence

    In honor of Lesley and Bob Glasgow
    Melissa Matterazzo

    In honor of Lesley and Bob Glasgow’s anniversary
    Linda and Larry Veltman

    In honor of Renee Holzman
    Toinette and Victor Menashe
    Davia and Ted Rubenstein

    In honor of Hank Kaplan
    Rita Shmulevsky

    In honor of Nira Levine
    Laurie Levine and Michael Brand

    In honor of Judy Margles
    Sami Oberlander
    Lisa Rackner and Rabbi Joey Wolf

    In honor of Judy Margles and Steve Wasserstrom on the occasion of Shuly’s marriage
    Eva Aigner
    Toinette and Victor Menashe

    In honor of Rosalyn Menashe
    Eve and Alan S. Rosenfeld

    In honor of Rosalyn Menashe and in memory of Sol Menashe
    Deborah and David Menashe

    In celebration of Toinette Menashe’s birthday
    Jay Holzman

    In honor of Toinette And Victor Menashe’s 70th wedding anniversary
    Arnie Capeloto
    Jay Holzman
    Joyce Loeb
    Alice Meyer z”l
    Joan and Paul Sher

    In honor of Alice Meyer z“l
    Eve and Alan S. Rosenfeld

    In honor of Susan Mosler’s birthday
    Linda and Larry Veltman

    In honor of Steve Reinisch
    Alice Meyer z”l

    In celebration of Alan Rosenfeld on his 99th birthday
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger

    In honor of Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger
    Eve and Alan S. Rosenfeld

    In honor of Ruth Roth’s birthday
    Kohya Kato
    Michael and Adrienne Roth

    In honor of Ruth Roth and Judy Margles
    Monique Eldridge

    In honor of Davia Rubenstein’s birthday
    Toinette and Victor Menashe

    In celebration of Sharon and Al Segal’s 50th anniversary
    Elaine Coughlin and Jonathon Lietz

    In celebration of Mardi Spitzer and Brad Lyle’s marriage
    Beverly Zell

    In celebration of Carol Stampfer and Steve Lebwohl’s marriage
    Judy Benkov
    Patty Magid-Volk and Michael Volk
    Toinette and Victor Menashe

    In honor of T. Robert Tobias
    Natalie Stetz Tobias and Bruce Tobias

    In celebration of Linda Veltman’s bat mitzvah
    Diane Boly
    Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen
    Joan Eisenberg
    Lesley and Bob Glasgow
    Sarah and Jonathan Glass
    Lourdese Haley
    Susan Mosler
    Eleonore and Gregg Reiter
    Laurie and Bert Rogoway
    Lois and Richard Rosenbaum
    Madelle and Stanley Rosenfeld

    In honor of Linda and Larry Veltman
    Melissa Matterazzo

  • GIFTS IN MEMORY see list

    In memory of Leslie Aigner
    Sharon and Rob Aigner
    Evelyn Banko
    Ann Bardacke and David Wolf
    Marilyn Brault-Binaghi
    Lou Ann and John Christianson
    Lorelei Cohen
    Mary Jo Cook and Martin Fromer
    Elaine Coughlin and Jonathon Lietz
    Alexandra Dezsofi-Lopez
    Marianne Frantz
    Kimberly Fuson
    Deborah and Roger Gano
    Lelde Gilman
    Ruth Greenstein
    Kathrine Grinnell
    Helaine Gross and Paul Norr
    Cally Johnson
    Sue Ann and Doug Johnson
    Suzanne and Michael Johnson
    Judith and Garry Kahn
    Lisa Kaner and Peter Glade
    Randy Katz and Peter Wigmore
    Nancy Kent
    Jacqueline Lerner
    Rosemary and Jacob Lewin
    Diana Lindemann
    Gayle and Jerry Marger
    Elizabeth Mehren
    Natan Meir
    Carol Tova Newman
    Madelle and Stanley Rosenfeld
    Ruth Roth
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger
    Jill Ann Slansky
    Corinne and Laurence Spiegel
    Sheila and Bruce Stern
    Stephen Symonds
    Linda Tamura and Michael J. Lee

    In memory of Gloria Bacharach
    Lucille Wakefield

    In memory of Gerel Blauer
    Bruce Abrams
    Judith and Stanley Blauer
    Wendy Brauchler
    Sarah Chung
    Melanie Cahn and William Dann
    Loretta Feldman
    Alyce Flitcraft and Richard Solomon
    Ireta Graube
    Julia Hanfling
    Toby Harris
    Lola Kantor
    Lynn and Tetsuya Katsumoto
    Mary Kirschner
    Eva and Arnold Labby
    Susan Lindenmeyer
    Joyce Loeb
    Janet and Anthony Maddox
    Gail Mandel and Steven Klein
    Elizabeth and Ruben z”l Menashe
    Toinette and Victor Menashe
    Wendi and Sandy Menashe
    Alice Meyer z”l
    Lora Meyer
    Lana and Alan Miller
    Joyce Minus
    Barbara Newmark
    Jeanne Newmark
    Gloria Borg Olds and Michael Olds
    Sondra and Gordon Pearlman
    Arlene and Irving Potter
    Charles Rosenblum
    Eve and Alan S. Rosenfeld
    Madelle and Stanley Rosenfeld
    Tiffany and Eric Rosenfeld
    Davia and Ted Rubenstein
    Deanne and Richard Rubinstein
    Elaine Savinar
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger
    Barbara and Jack Schwartz
    Helen Stern
    Naomi Strauss
    Sharon Weil
    Joy and William Weinbaum
    Elaine Weinstein

    In memory of Doris Brown
    Gerald Brown

    In memory of Marianne Buchwalter
    Mary Bauer
    Pamela Berg
    Katherine Bloomfield
    Janis E. and Dunbar S. Carpenter
    Ilze Zemjanis Choi
    Rebecca and Ronald Eiseman
    Bruce Guenther and Eduardo A. Vides
    Ava and Charlie Hoover
    Lynn and Tetsuya Katsumoto
    Susan Kirschner
    Eva and Arnold Labby
    Erin Malloy
    Toinette and Victor Menashe
    Gloria Borg Olds and Michael Olds
    Ruth Percival
    Varda Rabin
    Ann and John Rowe
    Deanne and Richard Rubinstein
    Jill and Rick Rubinstein
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger
    Barbara and Jack Schwartz
    Linda M. Smith and John C. Smith Jr.
    Allyson Willner
    Carolyn and Martin Winch

    In memory of Brooke Buxbaum
    Christine and Tom Neilsen

    In memory of Gerald Cogan
    Renee Holzman

    In memory of Keith Coplan
    Bunny and Jerry Sadis

    In memory of Julie Diamond
    Elaine Coughlin and Jonathon Lietz
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger

    In memory of Bob Epstein
    Sylvia and Isaac Frankel

    In memory of Michael Falkenstein
    Geri Cullers
    Judith Perry

    In memory of Dr. Scott Feuer
    Beverly Zell

    In memory of Dr. Allan Frankel
    Gail Mandel and Steven Klein

    In memory of Beverly Galen
    Alyce Flitcraft and Richard Solomon
    Joyce Loeb
    Jeanne Newmark
    Helen Stern

    In memory of Ira Gottlieb
    Friderike Heuer and Dan Reisberg
    Davia and Ted Rubenstein
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger

    In memory of Jeffrey Gradow
    Michelle and Steve Gradow

    In memory of Miriam Greenstein
    Claudine Isaacs and Steve Riskin

    In memory of Marian Durkheimer Jaffe
    Suzanne Friedman
    Eve and Alan S. Rosenfeld

    In memory of Stephen Kantor
    Ilaine Cohen

    In memory of Naomi Levy
    Margaret and Howard Schaller

    In memory of Evelyn Maizel
    Elaine Coughlin and Jonathon Lietz

    In memory of Sarah Milstein
    Toinette and Victor Menashe

    In memory of Sol Menashe
    Roz and Don Sutherland

    In memory of Robin Mesher
    Helen Stern

    In memory of Jim Meyer
    Carole Alexander
    Lesley and Bob Glasgow
    Joyce Loeb
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger
    Helen Stern

    In memory of Laurence Mosler
    Sylvia and Gary Pearlman

    In memory of Chelsea Newmark
    Beverly Zell

    In memory of Jerry Nudelman
    Jay Holzman
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger
    Beverly Zell

    In memory of Herbert and Ella Ostroff
    Danielle Schneider

    In memory of Harold Pollin
    Jay Holzman
    Renee Holzman
    Janis Shleifer-Rosenfeld and Paul Schlesinger
    Lois Schnitzer

    In memory of Jane Rosenbaum
    Lucille Wakefield

    In memory of Barbara G. Roth
    L River

    In memory of Jerry Stern
    Alan Scharf

    In memory of Sharon Tarlow
    Jill and Richard Edelson
    Arline Greenblatt
    Joyce Loeb

    In memory of Norman Wapnick
    Laurel Oziel and Rich Koplan

    In memory of Sandy Weinstein
    Irene and Charlie Cancilla
    Barbara and Barry Caplan
    Carol and Sy Chestler
    Ilaine Cohen
    Barbara Jayne Edelson
    Arline Greenblatt
    Nicole and Jeff Gullish
    Jay Holzman
    Renee Holzman
    Joyce Loeb
    Harriet and Dick Maizels
    Robin and Bud Marcus
    Toinette and Victor Menashe
    Alice Meyer z”l
    Mary Newcomer and Michael Adler
    Jeanne Newmark
    Sylvia and Gary Pearlman
    Faye Samuels
    Lois Schnitzer
    Barbara and Jack Schwartz
    Bob Tobias
    Marcy Tonkin
    Beverly Zell

Thank You 2022 Donors!

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