OJMCHE Book Club 2025: March

March 19, 2025
Location: OJMCHE

March 19 | 11am | RSVP Below

OJMCHE’s book club will meet every other month midday at the museum. The book selection for March is Klara’s Truth by Susan Weiss­bach Friedman.

To stay in the loop about book club activities, email akurson@ojmche.org and we will keep you updated.

About Book Selection for March

“First-time author Susan Weiss­bach Fried­man has cre­at­ed an intrigu­ing, char­ac­ter-dri­ven plot. Read­ers will appre­ci­ate the clar­i­ty with which the author describes the bro­ken, over­grown jum­ble of Pol­ish Jew­ish ceme­ter­ies — as well as the work peo­ple are doing today to refur­bish and rebuild them.” —From a review by Mer­le Eis­man Carrus

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