OJMCHE will be closed on January 1.

Yom HaShoah 2023: Reading of the Names

April 18, 2023
Location: Pioneer Courthouse Square

April 18, 2022 | 9am-5pm (PT) | Pioneer Courthouse Square

Every year on Yom HaShoah, the Day of Remembrance, communities around the world uphold the memory of victims of the Holocaust through the Reading of the Names, a public recitation of Holocaust victims’ names, ages, and birthplaces. On Tuesday, April 18, Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education will sponsor the Reading of the Names at Pioneer Courthouse Square. A selection of community members and elected officials will be reading the names of those murdered in the Holocaust.

“Each year the Reading of the Names seeks to defy indifference and historical revisionism, such as denial that the Holocaust ever happened, by personalizing the individual tragedy of the dead and the survivors,” explains OJMCHE Director Judy Margles. “As the names of victims are read aloud, they are remembered. Furthermore, keeping the memory of the victims alive fulfills one of the vital tenets of our collective experience – zachor – to remember.”

Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, will be observed beginning at sundown with a memorial service on Monday, April 17 at Neveh Shalom and continuing with the Reading of the Names on Tuesday, April 18 in Pioneer Courthouse Square. Both events will take place in person.  

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